Monday, January 14, 2008

Language Reviews

As I've read a number of books on learning languages, I've noticed that there is always a chapter on choosing which language to learn. When I first read it , I thought it was odd. If you're going to learn a language, you should pretty much already know which one (or ones) you want or need to learn.

But, I discover more and more that there are lots of people who don't know which language they want to learn. They know they want to learn another language, but can't decide which one is most useful or interesing to them. These are people who have the drive to learn, but no pre-determining need or desire for one particular language.

In Barry Farbers book How to Learn Any Language, he has a section on language reviews. He reviews the most popular languages to learn as anyone would review movies or a book.

I liked this idea and I've added a Language Reviews page on the site. Here, you can add your thoughts on languages you have learned or studied.

I think it is an interesting way for people to share their language learning experiences with a specific language, and thereby help people who are currently learning the language, or even just thinking about it.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Pimsleur Reviews

There are more new Pimsleur reviews on the site that have been added by visitors.

French Pimsleur Review is a review of Pimsleur French. Although, the reviewer does not mention which product he used, it is a 10-lesson cd set, which means it was probably a French Basic course.

(Simon and Schuster uses the same material for each course. The first 8 lessons for Quick and Simple, first 10 for Basic, first 16 for instant Conversation etc. So, a review of one product is applicable, to a certain degree, to other products for the same language.)

Other recent reviews were of Pimsleur Romanian, Mandarin Chinese and others. To read some visitor Pimsleur reviews, go to Pimseur Reviews.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Rosetta Stone Review

Happy New Year!

For a long time I have recommended Rosetta Stone to visitors and budding language learners. They make one of the most comprehensive and flexible language methods, and it is available for some languages with few other choices. I have finally included a more in-depth review of Rosetta Stone on the site. Also, there is a section for visitors to review Rosetta Stone, so if you have already used the program, you can add your voice and opinion!