Tuesday, June 28, 2005


I've long wanted to learn a Native American language. I still have not decided on which one. I have looked for some Native American ancestry with the idea that if I found something, that would be the language I would study. I have not yet found anything. One of the most beautiful languages is Hawaiian, which is finally seeing a revival in Hawaii and on the mainland among those of Hawaiian ancestry. I have added a Learn Hawaiian page and hope to add more Native American languages (as well as add resources to many of the existing language pages).

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Graham Fuller Review

I added a review for Graham Fuller's How to Learn a Foreign Language. It's a book I've seen around for a while but never picked up. I'm also reading Ed Trimnell's Why You Need a Foreign Language and I'll have a review for that before too long. On the back burner are Frederick Bodmer's The Loom of Language, and The Tongue-Tied American by Paul Simon. I've added a lot of new resources, so if you haven't checked the Language Resources page in a while, it's been revamped and added to.