Thursday, September 29, 2005

Esperanto Resources

I've begun to split off the Esperanto page into several different pages. I'm adding an Esperanto Resources page (which I'll be adding to over the coming days) and I'll have others coming as well. I'm still working on the Incubus transcript. It'll probably have a few errors, but once it's done I'll put it up and with some input it'll be ok.

Monday, September 19, 2005


There is a site for Icelandic called that I've added a link to on the Learn Icelandic page (eventually I'll have an Icelandic Resource page). This site is trying to promote coining new Icelandic words rather than borrowing foreign words for new terms or objects. I find this to be a problem in many languages. English has a unique flexibility which allows it to create new words easily. Most other languages don't have this ability and usually borrow the word from English or create a new one from the same source as English - usually Latin or Greek. For a language like Icelandic, this clearly dilutes the purity of the language. I'm not surprised that there is a backlash against this, and I am surprised there isn't a movement in many other languages like this one.

Friday, September 16, 2005

What is Esperanto

I've added a What is Esperanto page but it's not actually live yet. I have to make a change to it and then I'll link it in. I'll keep adding to these pages and tweaking them as I put them up. I'm still working on the Incubus transcription. It'll be a little while, but it's coming along. So much to do, so little time ...

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


I have several more Esperanto pages coming. I'm now beginning to go through the whole site and flesh out each of the individual language pages. I'll be adding pages on learning tips, vocabulary and cognates, adding resources etc. for all the languages. I'll also be adding free ebooks and audio files as I can. I'm starting this whole process with Esperanto, and then I'll be working on Spanish and French. Hopefully I'll be able to add in reviews and other pages throughout the site as I can.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Second Esperanto ebook

Uploaded the second Esperanto ebook to the Esperanto page. This one is called - A Complete Grammar of Esperanto by Ivy Kellerman. Like the other one, it is almost a hundred years old. They both use the 'x convention' for writing the unique Esperanto letters - jx, gx, etc. It's annoying but not too difficult to use. I'll have to add a note on this on the page.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Esperanto ebook

Another one of those free ebooks is uploaded. The Esperanto Teacher by Helen Fry is up on the Learning Esperanto page. I have another one also that is a little more comprehensive. I don't think either one of these books is the best solution for a beginner to learn Esperanto, but for free it's worth it.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Learn Scots Gaelic

In adding a page for Scots Gaelic I'm halfway done with the Celtic languages, just three more to go. I'll be adding them in the next few weeks. I'm also uploading some free ebooks to a few pages. There is an old grammar for Icelandic called An Icelandic Primer by Henry Sweet that I've added to the Learn Icelandic page. More free ebooks are on the way for Spanish, Esperanto and others.

Monday, September 05, 2005

More Language Penpal Resources

I'm adding a bunch more resources to the Language Penpal Resources page. There are more sites there than I know what to do with. I'd like to use each one to review them, but I don't have the time for the 2 or 3 that I use now. I'm already behind on my emails, and I'm constantly contacted by new people. Even though they are hit or miss as far as finding long-term penpals, there is certainly no shortage of people out there to communicate with.