Monday, February 02, 2009

A Language Course is a Tax Write-Off!

Did you know that a language course may be written off your taxes? It's an educational expense!
If you happen to have used it for your business then there might be even more ways for you to save on your taxes. For example - if you drove to a language class or tutor, you can write off the gas mileage.

Any materials you buy that can fall under the umbrella of 'language learning' could be used as well. Did you buy any books, music or movies in the language you are learning?

Looking to buy more courses or learning materials this year? Keep all of your receipts for the coming year. Keep in mind as you buy any books, courses or website subscriptions that some of these may be applied to your tax deductions next year.

Take a good look at your purchases and think through how you used them. You may find ways to reduce your taxes that you haven't thought of before!

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