Saturday, December 02, 2006

Ouch, it's been a while since I posted anything here. I've made some changes to the Language Learning Experiences Survey page. I've split the previous poll into two polls on the same page in order to clarify whether the questions were about current or past language learning experiences. If you havn't done so already, please take a moment to fill out one or both of these polls.

I've also had a few more articles recently published off-site. You can read Learn Languages for Free and Learning Languages On Your Own - What You Can Expect to Achieve on

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Thai and Byki

I've added a page for Thai. Other language pages should be coming fairly steadily.

I've been including a link to a free vocabulary trainer from Transparent Language on many of the language pages on the site. It's a great way to begin learning a language for free. There is a version for many different languages. Free Before You Know It™ download

I've also updated the results on the Hardest Language to Learn Survey page.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

New Pimsleur Courses

Simon and Schuster has been updating their Pimsleur line of products. They expanded their Farsi Compact course to a full 30 lesson Comprehensive level 1 course late in 2005. They have done the same for Czech, Korean and Thai, and they are adding a Comprehensive Level 1 course for Hindi in October. Other additions include Turkish Comprehensive Level 1 (in December 2006), Hebrew Level 2 and Eastern Arabic Level 2 in early 2007. Let's hope they continue to add to and expand on their current line of products. Personally, I would like to see a Swedish Comprehensive course, but I know there are other languages that are probably more lucrative for Simon and Schuster.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Easiest Language to Learn Survey Update

There are some results for the Easiest Language to Learn Survey page. I waited to get a reasonable sampling before compiling some responses. I took the sampling on August 15th, but I have only posted the results now. There have been plenty of other responses since then, so I will most likely update the results on the survey pages on a fairly regular basis, at least for a little while.

Thanks to everyone who took a moment to fill out this survey or any of the others. They will remain on the site in order to continue to gather info from new visitors.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Learn Greek

The most recent issue of the newsletter went out last week. If you missed it, you can view Issue#003 here.

I've also added a Learn Greek page on the site. This page is for Modern Greek, but a page for Classical Greek is coming up soon to keep adding to my 'dead languages' pages.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Language Learning Experiences Survey

Another survey on the site I just added is Language Learning Experiences Survey. It's a general survey to gather info about peoples language study habits. Please fill it out if you have a moment.

Read my recent article What Makes One Language Harder or Easier Than Another? on

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Language Surveys Pages

Here comes the flood ... I've put up some survey pages in order to gather some information from visitors. The Surveys page will have links to surveys as I add them, as well as links to other sites that have similar information. The Hardest Language to Learn Survey has been on the site for a while in a few locations. Now I have a permanent home for it. There is also some results on that page for anyone who is interested. I also added an Easiest Language to Learn Survey . Please participate and fill out these simple forms if you haven't already. I will be adding others in the near future and I will update results from time to time.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Review of Idioms Delight

I forgot to post my brief review of Idioms Delight that I put up a few days ago. There is a flood of new stuff on the way, so keep an eye on the RSS feed for lots of changes and additions. Also, there is another issue of the newsletter coming soon.

Friday, May 26, 2006

More Language Articles

Wow, I haven't posted in a while. Sorry, for anyone who follows this here blog. I've actually been thinking of adding a few more blogs (one on learning Spanish, one on learning Cornish and maybe another). I think it would force me to post more often.

Anyway, I added a 4 part series of articles on learning Spanish. They were not written by me but from time to time I like to include other peoples opinions and ideas on learning languages on my site. Learn Spanish: The Cart Before the Horse is the first part. The links to the others are at the bottom of that page. It goes into some detail on the authors ideas for a language learning regimen using Pimsleur and a few other methods. More practical advice that ultimately helps us language learners figure out how to best design our own language program. You can also reach the article from the Language Articles page.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Media Resources for Language Learners

There is a great resource I found recently for language leaners. is a collection of videos in a wide variety of languages. They include transcriptions and translations of short videos on different topics like shopping, asking for direction etc. I've expanded the resources page to include one on Media language Resources, as I find more and more good resources (like video, internet radio, audiomagazines etc) for language learners and I don't want to clutter up that main resource page too much.

I've also added a page on Language Learning Vacations. It's sort of a fancy name for an in-country immersion course, but sometimes they include more cultural tours and other activities.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Cornish Article and Newsletter#002

I wrote an article recently called Cornish Never Died . This is one of several coming on the topic of dead (or nearly dead or dying) languages.

Issue #002 of the newsletter went out last week, just before I left on a trip. You can read backissues here.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Learn Latin

After writing a small article on dead languages in the newsletter, I was prompted to add a Learn Latin page to the site. This will be followed (eventually) by pages on Classical Greek, Gothic and other 'dead languages.'

Friday, March 17, 2006

Learn Spanish Online Free

There are probably more and better free resources on the internet to learn Spanish than there are to learn any other language. That's why I put together a page. I already had some resources on the main page and the resources page, but the quantity and quality of free resources has been getting better. I though it might be a good idea to point this out on its own page. A lot of people are put off of learning a language when they find out how much the better methods cost. With some planning, you can put together a pretty good package of free resources to learn Spanish from. More and more people are taking advantage of the resources the internet provides, but sometimes they are difficult to find or people don't even know about them.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Language School Additions

To continue on the language schools theme, I've added a Spanish Language Schools page. There are also a few more resources added to the Language Schools page. There are a lot of language schools, franchises and local schools, so rather than just have a page full of links, I'm taking a representative sampling of schools and making sure I have a few links to sites with a complete and comprehnsive searchable list of schools so people can find exactly what they're looking for.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Language Learning Advisor Newsletter

The first issue of the newsletter went out last week. It's a little behind schedule, but I have lots of material coming. I intend the newsletter (it's reall y more of an e-zine) to be monthly, but since I fell behind, I'm going to publish a few in fairly rapid succession in order to 'catch up.'

If you'd like to see the first issue and you've missed it, you can view it here:
The Language Learning Advisor Newsletter Issue#001

Also, don't forget to sign up for the newsletter!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Italian Language Schools

I recently put up a page on Italian Language Schools. I've been in contact with a few of them recently so it seemed like a good time to put a page up. The problem is - now I need to do that for the other languages, too! So much to do, so little time...

The newsletter is coming along - it's nearly finished. Possibly go out Monday or Tuesday at the latest. The following issue will probably be within two weeks, certainly three.

Also adding resources for Hebrew and French.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Big Layoff

It's been a hideously long time since I posted anything, but I'm about to make up for it with a lot of posts. I've added several more resources to the Language Penpal Resources page. They've also been added to the Language Resources Directory .

I've just added a couple of resources to the Cornish page. I have an enormous backlog of little additions and adjustments to the site. I've been forced way behind schedule. The newsletter has also been behind schedule, but the good news is that I now have an abundance of material for additional pages, articles and the next few issues of the newsletter, which should finally be going out in the next few days!

Saturday, January 21, 2006


I'm adding a newsletter feature to the site! I will begin publishing a monthly e-zine, the first of which will go out at the end of January. I will eventually settle on a fairly regular publishing date, probably around the 20th of every month. There will be lots of features, some of which will be unique to the newsletter. Sign up for The Language Learning Advisor Newsletter here.