Sunday, June 03, 2007

Survey Update and Free Giveaways

I've updated the Easiest Language to Learn Survey results. I'll be doing the same for all of the surveys periodically.

I've also added a name and email entry for all the surveys. I'm going to be adding a Free Giveaway feature to the site. Periodically, I will choose a newsletter subscriber or a survey entry and giveaway a free language learning product. I'm not sure yet how often or what products I'll be giving away, but I wanted to give my regular visitors a heads up that this was happening. If you've already filled out surveys, then try the new Most Beautiful Language Survey . You can quickly fill out that one and add your email, or you can just send me some comments from the Contact page and include your name and email.

Of course, if you are a newsletter subscriber, then you will automatically be entered to win something.

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