Saturday, January 17, 2009

Popling for the Unmotivated

So, let's say that you want to learn another language, but you don't really need to. You don't have a specific goal or time-frame in mind, it's just something interesting you've always wanted to do but never got around to it. You might be the kind of person who thinks about taking a class, getting a tutor or buying a language course, but may never actually take action.

Well, here's something for you. has a downloadable application for you. It's free. It's effortless.

The program pops up a small window on your screen every once in a while, displaying a flashcard with a fact for whatever you happen to be learning. You can answer it or you can ignore it and it will go away for a little while. Then another will pop up.

They have lots of pre-made sets for different subjects, including for some interesting languages, like Indonesian, and of course the more common languages like Spanish, French and Chinese. An extra feature is the ability to make your own sets, so it is quite flexible and useful for just about anybody.

I just love their tag line - A website + desktop app for people who want to learn, but lack motivation.

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