Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Changing Pimsleur Affiliates

As I mentioned about Amazon a few posts ago, I am in the process of revamping the business side of my website. I am changing Pimsleur affiliates (again). While it is my favorite language method, I have had a very hard time as a website owner in finding a reliable Pimsleur merchant to work with. By reliable, I mean not just reliability and good prices for the customer (which hasn't really been a problem), but also ease of working with them for me as a business owner. One seller of Pimsleur that I have known of for a while is Catees Language World. They are completely dedicated to Pimsleur products and provide just about the best prices you can find on the internet. The changeover will be mostly transparent to visitors and I don't anticipate any problems at all for customers.

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